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Beauty in Brokenness
"But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands, so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to...
Gladys Childs
Jan 1, 20243 min read

You Are Chosen
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that...
Gladys Childs
Dec 5, 20233 min read

Rooted in God: Bearing Fruit in Every Season
Do you ever wish for more peace, love, or joy? Perhaps you remember when patience, kindness, and goodness seemed to be in abundant...
Gladys Childs
Oct 2, 20235 min read

Restored to Life and Fullness
I could see my breath as I put on a second layer of socks. Two layers of pants were already on. Pulling on my gloves, I spotted the black...
Gladys Childs
Jun 5, 20233 min read

Easy Steps to Find the Peace Between Stimulus and Response
Have you ever heard the phrase, “pause between stimulus and response?” Austrian psychotherapist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl...
Gladys Childs
Jan 23, 20233 min read

Easy Steps for Setting Godly Resolutions for the New Year
As I write this last blog of 2022, it is Christmas day, seven days are left before the new year, and my brother is dying. This year has...
Gladys Childs
Dec 26, 20224 min read

Finding God in the Ordinary Everyday Moments
What is it about life which causes us to look ahead? We look forward to the change of seasons, school starting, school ending, vacations,...
Gladys Childs
Dec 6, 20223 min read

What if the opposite of failure is not success?
“Entrust your work to the Lord, and your planning will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 (ESV) I had failed. As I walked to my office to gather my...
Gladys Childs
Nov 21, 20222 min read

Simple steps for replacing chaos with peace this holiday season
Family gatherings, holiday parties, winter sickness, traveling, and missing loved ones who have passed away can leave everyone worn out...
Gladys Childs
Nov 8, 20227 min read

Simple steps on how to share your stories of faith.
Who loves a good story? I know I do. And the best stories are the ones where we get to know someone better. A surefire way to engage...
Gladys Childs
Oct 17, 20224 min read

Discover amazing reasons why we should serve those hurting and in need.
Where are you? I know where I was. It was many years ago, and as Chaplain, I liked to go and visit the various spiritual group meetings...
Gladys Childs
Oct 10, 20226 min read

Simple reasons why you need to be good at giving back.
What if the opposite of "out of control" is "freedom"? Why do people associate freedom with the ability to do whatever they want,...
Gladys Childs
Oct 5, 20225 min read

God is looking for you. Why do you keep hiding? is a secret, so you cannot tell anyone. Did you know you were meant to be found? God is looking for you. When The Hiding...
Gladys Childs
Sep 28, 20227 min read

Why we really need each other. Two simple actions to improve your life.
I was angry, furious. Livid. Enraged. Vexed. Ill-tempered. So full of rage toward the "others" that nothing I did would quiet the storm...
Gladys Childs
Sep 20, 20227 min read

Your voice has influential power. Know how to use it for good.
"You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself." Devastation flooded through my 14-year-old self. That was not what I expected from the...
Gladys Childs
Sep 1, 20224 min read

Know your awesome powerful voice, now what? Four concepts to consider.
By now, if you have been reading from the beginning of this series, you have caught on to what I mean by voice. It is a noun and a verb....
Gladys Childs
Aug 25, 20229 min read

Feel like you cannot adequately serve God? Do you know your own voice?
As a pastor's wife, I have had quite a few people talk about their inability to serve God in a way that makes a difference. Like so many...
Gladys Childs
Aug 9, 20227 min read

The Power Behind Your Voice
If this is the first of my blogs you read, I must let you know we are going deep. You may need to read a sentence or paragraph more than...
Gladys Childs
Aug 3, 20226 min read

Heart Distracted? Ways to focus on God with these super easy steps.
As I sit to write this third and final blog of the Attention series, the irony is, I am struggling to focus. Not a joke. God has a sense...
Gladys Childs
Jul 26, 20228 min read

Simple Steps to Recovery When You Take Your Focus Off of God.
After reading my first Harry Potter book, I wished I could have been a wizard and gone to Hogwarts. My favorite line from all the books...
Gladys Childs
Jul 18, 20226 min read
Question of the Week Submission
Feel free to ask any question you have about God, faith, or the church. Every week, Gladys will select one question and answer it.
Question of the Week
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